The Benefit of BIBS®

Industry News

Not all insulation is created equal. Each system has unique functions and applications. The Blow-In Blanket® System (BIBS®) BIBS® remains a leader in insulation systems, with its long list of innovative, state-of-the-art properties. Keep reading to learn more about this proven insulation system.

What is BIBS®?

BIBS® is an insulation system that is installed by blowing specially manufactured fiberglass wools into walls, attics, floors, ceilings, and other spaces. The high-performance, dense blown-in wools are held in place by a proprietary fabric. This means BIBS® differs from other insulation in that it forms a seamless “blanket” around wires, pipes, or other obstructions, creating a custom, seamless insulation system unlike any other. Each building that uses BIBS® gets a perfect fit, every time!

Once installed, BIBS® offers the highest attainable R-Values available by cost (4.2 per square inch), meaning the buildings in which it’s used will offer maximum thermal efficiency — which is good for the environment and the occupant’s wallet. In fact, BIBS® can save a homeowner up to $35 a month on heating and cooling expenses — that adds up! An investment in the BIBS® system can quickly pay for itself with these savings.

Other benefits of BIBS® include reduced air infiltration (up to a 68% reduction over traditional batting insulation), excellent noise control, and the flexibility to be installed in any climate — a key characteristic in the Northwoods! It’s also durable, so you know your investment will last. It offers two to two-and-half times the fiber density of traditional batting — hence those higher R-Values! Plus, it’s made from fiberglass, which is a recycled product.

BIBS® can be installed in new and existing construction, in wood or steel framed buildings, and in any weather that Wisconsin throws our way,. It is uniformly dense and won’t settle like other systems can. It’s naturally non-flammable and won’t support mold growth should moisture enter the cavity.

Why Is BIBS® Superior To Other Insulation Products?

Other common forms of insulation include fiberglass batt insulation, wet spray cellulose, and spray foam. Although these insulations all have their place, BIBS® is quite often our customer’s first choice for a number of reasons. Fiberglass batt insulation, a commonly used insulation, offers lower R-Values and is difficult to install around obstructions like pipes. It also tends to settle and have gaps or seams, further lowering the efficiency.

Wet spray cellulose can risk introducing moisture into walls. It’s also difficult to install when the temperature is below freezing, plus, it still can’t offer the R-Values that BIBS® offers.

Lastly, there is spray foam insulation. Spray foam isn’t ideal in northern Wisconsin’s climate, as it expands and contracts as the temperature changes. It can’t be installed if it’s too humid or cold, and it’s made from a non-renewable petrol chemical that can be hazardous to your health.

It’s easy to see why BIBS® stands out in the field of insulation — and why we are proud to specialize in this particular system.

Contact Us To Learn More About BIBS® Insulation in Northern Wisconsin

All of our installations are done by trained and certified professionals that specialize in installing the BIBS® system. Our work is performed by us — no subcontractors — and it’s 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

If you are a homeowner or builder in the northern Wisconsin or Rhinelander area, contact us today to learn more about how RVI and BIBS® insulation can create comfortable, cost-effective, and environmentally sound structures while helping your bottom line.

Since inception in 2000, RVI has been a leader in innovative Air Sealing and Insulating Systems. A family, faith, customer, and community-focused business, RVI is owned and operated by Sam and Ashly Hartmann (pictured above with their children) in their hometown of Rhinelander, WI.


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